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Potential Public Health Impacts of Deteriorating Distribution System Infrastructure
Deborah Vacs Renwick,
Austin Heinrich,
Richard Weisman,
Heather Arvanaghi,
Kenneth Rotert,
Deborah Vacs Renwick
Search for more papers by this authorAustin Heinrich
Search for more papers by this authorRichard Weisman
Search for more papers by this authorHeather Arvanaghi
Search for more papers by this authorKenneth Rotert
Search for more papers by this authorDeborah Vacs Renwick,
Austin Heinrich,
Richard Weisman,
Heather Arvanaghi,
Kenneth Rotert,
Deborah Vacs Renwick
Search for more papers by this authorAustin Heinrich
Search for more papers by this authorRichard Weisman
Search for more papers by this authorHeather Arvanaghi
Search for more papers by this authorKenneth Rotert
Search for more papers by this authorAbstract
Drinking water distribution system deterioration can affect the water supply and reliability as well as water quality and public health.
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